Songs > The Dave Test > About

The Dave Test is a curious song as it can have two distinct outcomes. The band can either pass The Dave Test or fail it. The outcome is completely dependent on the position of Dave's thumb after "Did it pass The Dave Test?" is sung. It's important to think of only this first part as the composed section of the song and what comes after the decision as an improv section. The improv section is still part of the song but it is different every time. The way band plays after a pass or thumbs up from Dave is slightly different every time with the jam starting in the same celebratory fashion. However after a "fail" or thumbs down, Dave takes over and "conducts" the band slowly back into a jam.

The criteria that determines the outcome is known only to Dave. There isn't any use in trying to find the answers to The Dave Test, he won't tell us. Truthfully outside of the deciding moment does the outcome really matter? The fan voted favorite show of 2023, the Philly show, had a No on the Dave Test. A "failure" of the test isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just a different thing.

If that isn't confusing enough, the history of The Dave Test gets murky as well. First seen on the 4'23'22 Relix Livestream show, it is possible that the song actually made its debut on during the 4'20'22 show. Until the 4'20 show is released we'll never know. The first known Dave Test No came during the inaugural choice fest on 06'18'22 after 5 straight passes. Since the introduction of the thumbs down the crowd has become more and more into trying to sway Dave one way or another.

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