uniqueid | show_id | showdate | showtitle | artist | song_id | songname | artist_id | permalink | settype | setnumber | position | tracktime | transition_id | transition | footnote | isjamchart | jamchart_notes | venue_id | shownotes | showyear | showorder | opener | tour_id | tourname | soundcheck | isverified | slug | isoriginal | original_artist | venuename | city | state | country | isreprise | isjam | css_class | isrecommended |
706 | 1695667336 | 2023-10-02 | Taper's Choice | 33 | Sometimes Man | 1 | tapers-choice-october-2-2023-the-fonda-theatre-los-angeles-ca-usa.html | Set | 1 | 3 | 1 | , | 25 | Opening for The Walkmen | 2023 | 1 | 1 | Not Part of a Tour | sometimes-man | 1 | The Fonda Theatre | Los Angeles | CA | USA | |||||||||||||
913 | 1725301123 | 2024-09-06 | Taper's Choice | 33 | Sometimes Man | 1 | tapers-choice-september-6-2024-kings-raleigh-nc-usa.html | Set | 1 | 3 | 2 | > | Unfinished | 30 | Part of the Hopscotch Music Festival Each member was wearing a solo t shirt representing their instrumental equivalents from Pink Floyd. Bleeker:Roger Waters, CT:Nick mason, ZTM:Richard Wright, & Dave:David Gilmour. | 2024 | 1 | 1 | Not Part of a Tour | sometimes-man | 1 | Kings | Raleigh | NC | USA |